
Charity Concert

Caldicot Welsh Male voice Choir and St Nicholas Spire Ensemble

Or Contact Parish Office: Details at bottom of page

The Register of Vestry Persons is the Church of Ireland’s official register of the number of people who worship at St Nicholas' Parish.

Around Easter time each year, a new Select Vestry is elected for the following twelve months, from the Register of Vestry Persons and is responsible for ensuring the ongoing ministry of St Nicholas by primarily stewarding our Finances and our church buildings.

The Select Vestry is made up of, at least two Church Wardens, two Glebe Wardens, and 12 Select Vestry Members.

If you consider yourself a member of St Nicholas, we would love to encourage you to complete an application form.

To be on the St Nicholas Parish Church roll you need to have worshipped at the church regularly for at least the last six months, be baptised, be at least 18 years old and have contributed financially in a recorded manner.

Application forms can be downloaded by following the links below.

Contact the Church Office for more information.

National Churches Trust

We are delighted to announce the approval of a grant from the National Churches Trust of £10000 towards restoration work to the baptistry and steeple. Work will commence 25th September and we hope for it to be completed in time for the Civic Carol Service at 4pm on 25th November.

It is the policy of the Church of Ireland to Safeguard both children and adults sharing in its ministry and to protect them from of forms of harm, and abuse. At St Nicholas we have adopted these policies and abide by them. If you have any concerns as to the safety of an adult or a child please report it immediately to the PSNI, Social Services or to the church's safeguarding panel.


Child Safeguarding Panel Members

Rev Chris St John

Raymond Gilbert

Sharon Maxwell

Adult Safeguarding Panel Members

Rev Chris St John

Raymond Gilbert

Karen Miles

Check out safeguarding page of this Website

Some people have recently asked about Counselling. You may find the following link useful:


Get In Touch

028 9336 0061


St Nicholas' Parish Halls
3 Lancasterian Street
BT38 7AB
N Ireland