11:00 am - JAM
- Bible Class
2:00pm - Senior Moments (2nd & 4th)
7:15 pm - Bowling Club
5:00pm - Brownies & Rainbows
7:00 pm - Girl Guides
- Guides (Senior Section)
7:15 pm - Bell Ringers
7:30 pm - Select Vestry (1st)
- Women's Fellowship (2nd)
7:30 pm - Senior Choir
7:30 pm - Men's Group
10:00am - Craft Group (2nd & 4th)
7:30 pm - Bible Study
10:00am - Busy Bees
6:30pm - Beavers & Cubs
8:00pm - Scouts
JAM (Jesus and Me) is for primary age children, and meets in the church halls each Sunday morning. On the first Sunday of the month, which is a Holy Communion Service, the children go directly to JAM activities. On the second, third and fifth Sundays the children attend the first part of Morning Prayer and leave during the service to go to the hall. On the fourth Sunday there is a Family Service with the children in church for the full service and often participating in the worship activities.
Senior Moments
Senior Moments is a group for those over 50 years of age. The group meets on a monthly basis and as part of the activities also has a luncheon club. A wide variety of talks, demonstrations etc are provided for the membership which includes both parishioners and non-parishioners.
Bell Ringers
The church is blessed to have a bell tower and this group provides the sound of church bells ringing for the town. The group meets for practice on a Tuesday evening and locals often comment on the pleasant sound of bells that can be heard around the town.
Bowling Club
The parish has a well-supported Bowling Club which meets in the church hall during the winter months which provides a recreational opportunity for those who attend. The club is attended by parishioners and others who are not members of the church. The club is involved in matches as participants in the local churches league.
Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides
These organisations operate under the wider umbrella of the relevant national organisations but are grounded in St. Nicholas’ church. They hold their meetings in the church halls and where relevant hold organisation related services or participate in other relevant services in the church.
Women's Fellowship
The Women’s Fellowship group meets on a monthly basis and provides an opportunity for the ladies of the Parish to meet in a Christian based setting. A wide and varied programme of talks, demonstrations, visits etc is provided throughout the year. In recent times they have co-ordinated congregational support for collections for Baby Basics and Seamen’s Christian Friends Society, Port of Belfast.
Craft Group
The craft group meets in the church hall and the members work together to produce a wide range of creations. Annually the group holds a craft fair in the period leading up to Christmas with the proceeds being donated to the church or associated charities.
Busy Bees
Busy Bees is a structured play group for pre-school children, their parents and often grandparents. The group meets on a Friday morning in the church halls where a wide variety of educational and stimulating toys and activities are provided. This group attracts both parishioners and non-parishioners and has proven to be an important outreach work supporting parents of young children.
Bible Class
Bible Class is for young adults of post primary school age and meets in the church halls each Sunday morning. On the first Sunday of the month, which is a Holy Communion Service, the group goes directly to bible class activities. On the second, third and fifth Sundays the children attend the first part of Morning Prayer and leave during the service to go to the hall. On the fourth Sunday there is a Family Service with the everyone in church for the full service and often participating in the worship activities.
Men's Group
Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
An open invitation is extended to all men of the Parish to attend any or all of our meetings.
The first quarter meeting dates are: 17th January, 21st February, 20th March
If you have not been to a meeting before and are not sure what to expect, you can be assured of a warm welcome in a friendly and informal setting.
The meetings are an excellent way of getting to know others as well as the opportunity to hear from our ("be our guest") speakers on a variety of interesting topics.
Light refreshments are served at the end of each meeting.
Get In Touch
028 9336 0061
St Nicholas' Parish Halls
3 Lancasterian Street
BT38 7AB
N Ireland