Our Mission
As a church we are committed to the gospel which God gave through his apostles and prophets in the Bible.
The message which God speaks as we read the Bible is at the heart of Christianity and it is really quite simple: either Jesus is your king or you're going it alone.
We appreciate it can be quite daunting if you're just starting to explore the Christian faith so here are a few links to learn a little bit more from the Church of Ireland's website. However, the best way to learn is just to come down and have a look at what we do and ask any questions you want to ask. Our team are here to help!
What do we believe?
What is our perspective on important issues?
What is it like to be a Christian?
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
- John 14:6

Link Missionaries
The church has a long history of supporting mission work overseas in conjunction with organisations such as Crosslinks as well as direct links with overseas work.
Current support for this work is focussed on two main projects.
Crosslinks Mission in Sweden
The parish currently has Crosslinks Missionary partners working Stockholm in Sweden. We support the work of the Watson family who originate from Coleraine and who have moved to Sweden to bring the gospel to the people of Stockholm. This is the latest in a series of support for the work of Crosslinks.
The parish has for several years developed strong support for the work of the Anglican church in the Diocese of Tabora in Tanzania. This included a previous Rector and some parishioners visiting Tabora to see and contribute to the work of the church in that place. We still support the activities of the Diocese in this area.
Support for Other Christian Work
The parish also, on an annual basis, provides a tenth of its stewardship funds to be allocated to a range of Christian work at home and across the globe. The proposals on the allocation of these funds are formulated by a dedicated Allocations Committee, chaired by the Rector, who forward their recommendations to the Select Vestry for approval. Funds are then allocated in accordance with the decisions of the Select Vestry.
Mission Work
Get In Touch
028 9336 0061
St Nicholas' Parish Halls
3 Lancasterian Street
BT38 7AB
N Ireland